Mets fans have a new Instagram account to follow, and this one consists of three of our favorites: Keith Hernandez, Gary Cohen, and Ron Darling.
I know, I know, this announcement was made back on Saturday. However, I was out of state and was unable to write on it. So here I am, a few days later, still basking in the glory that is @garykeithron on Instagram.
We love our favorite trio. We looked forwarded to their return to our television screens. We were thrilled when we heard that Gary agreed to a multi-year deal with SNY this past November. And, as an extra treat this past season, we got to witness what 1980s Gary looked like, long hair and all. Now, we get to witness GKR on Instagram.
It’s only been a few days so far, but of course there’s still quite a few gems. And of course, there’s a lot of Keith.
GKR kicked off their Instagram account with none other than Keith doing something very Keith-esque. I mean, what other picture could’ve started off their account? It wouldn’t be fitting if it wasn’t Keith just being Keith.
We had already seen and learned all about Keith’s ice machine during Thursday’s game…
"I've got this machine...."
— Rising Apple (@RisingAppleBlog) March 2, 2017
So now obviously we had to see it in use, in it’s full glory, on Instagram, with Keith of course looking proud.
Keith also selfied with Gary Apple, and yes, a Keith selfie is as glorious as you’d imagine.
Oh! And of course another picture of Keith being Keith.
Yes, Keith is the one predominantly in the photos so far, and is anyone surprised? No. It’s fantastic. I can’t wait to see what gems are taken during the season if we’re just a few days into this Instagram account and the pictures are already hysterical. Could #SelfiesWithKeithHernandez become a thing?
SNY, on behalf of Mets fans everywhere, we thank you for gifting us with this. We also thank you for giving us all of these feels with this beautiful tribute to Bill Webb.
Next: Mets Season Preview: Which player is most likely to surprise?
For more happiness, follow their Instagram account if you don’t already. You won’t regret it. Oh, and go ahead and watch these fantastic Keith videos. And relive some of GKR’s greatest moments.