Mike Francesa is both a radio legend and a guy whose best days are well in the past. He has gone from one of the more well-respected voices in sports talk radio to a living caricature. Ask former New York Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard if “living” is an appropriate adjective to describe Francesa, you might get an answer you didn’t expect. Apparently, the Mandela Effect took over Syndergaard when it came to Francesa.
Francesa doesn’t shy away from blowhard takes nor should he. You don’t need to listen to him for more than a minute to understand what he’ll probably think of any situation. In regards to Syndergaard’s departure from the Mets, he had this to tweet to share:
Equally as outspoken but maybe less so because he hasn’t had his own radio show, Syndergaard fired back with possibly his last jab toward the WFAN legend:
This was the Mets feud I wish we got to see more of
Francesa vs. Syndergaard. It’s an undercard sports feud that could have gone on for a decade. Imagine if Francesa was at the top of his game right now. Imagine if his failed App took off. His Syndergaard takes would go on for hours and not quickly die on social media soon after.
Syndergaard’s departure has created plenty of buzz this week in part because of how well-known he was but also because of the utter shock. Everyone and their mothers believed he would be back on the qualifying offer. Shockingly, the Los Angeles Angels rode in and took him away. Whatever you think of the move, Syndergaard has been active in the public eye this week after two years of rehab.
The amazing thing about it: neither are right or wrong. It’s just kind of a truth. Syndergaard hasn’t been there for the Mets. I’m not sure if they’re better without him. It depends on what the front office does.
As for Francesa: legends never die. They just retire, unceremoniously return, fail to evolve with the industry, and then only make headlines when they get into a feud with an athlete.
I can’t wait to see who Syndergaard takes on next. It’s a good thing there are plenty of celebrities in Southern California.