After ejection, Drew Smith claims MLB official told him “nothing’s there” as far as sticky stuff goes

New York Yankees v New York Mets
New York Yankees v New York Mets / Elsa/GettyImages

It’s raining. It’s pouring. The New York Mets are snoring. Amongst all of the issues surrounding this team, a suspension for one of their more trusted relief pitchers Drew Smith was the last thing they needed. 

Yes, Smith hasn’t been completely sharp of late. To lose him for possibly 10 games is throwing sand in the Mets’ eyes.

Could it be possible that he does appeal the ejection for sticky stuff? According to Smith, an MLB official looked at his hands after the game and said “nothing’s there.”

NY Mets pitcher Drew Smith might have a reason to appeal his suspension

Max Scherzer decided against appealing his suspension which isn’t so much an admission of guilt as it is accepting the punishment. He took the Alford Plea. MLB had enough evidence against. He refused to admit guilt. Has any pitcher, though?

Smith’s claim is more than an outright denial. This official needs to be talked to. Furthermore, the umpires might need a little more training if they’re going to get so much of this wrong.

It’s getting hotter outside and palms are bound to get sweatier. The humidity in New York doesn’t compare to Florida. If you're in an open air stadium without the luxury of air conditioning to keep things temperate, your body is going to react to the heat with the one action it knows how to do best: sweat.

The Mets will be in a greater hole without Smith in the bullpen. If suspended, they’ll be unable to replace him on the roster. One possibility, with the off-day again on Thursday, could be for Tylor Megill to become available in relief for the Mets as needed. The timetable for when Smith’s potential suspension could begin depends a lot on whether he rages against the machine or not.

In this case, it sounds like he should.

This recent MLB rule change has been one of the messiest thus far because of the subjectivity. More so, it’s the lack of consistency. Some players, including Scherzer, are allowed to clean their hands. Others are ejected immediately. I know artificial intelligence can be frightening thanks to people like Isaac Asmiov, Philip K. Dick, and James Cameron. At least a robot, until the takeover of the world begins, would be programmed for consistency.
