3 reasons why this Buck Showalter quote is insane

Buck Showalter's latest quote revealed to Gary Cohen makes absolutely no sense for these three reasons.
New York Mets v Atlanta Braves
New York Mets v Atlanta Braves / Kevin D. Liles/Atlanta Braves/GettyImages
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3) This Buck Showalter quote is insane because the NY Mets are still alive in the NL Wild Card race

With what Buck Showalter said to Gary Cohen, he's essentially admitting that the Mets are out of the race. The way the Mets acted at the deadline says that the organization believes they're out of it, but that's not the way the 28 active players and their manager should be acting.

New York is currently 64-74 on the season and 7.5 games back of the third Wild Card spot with 24 games to play. Is it probable? Absolutely not. FanGraphs gives the Mets a 0.4% chance to make the postseason. However, we've seen crazy things happen before. We've seen the Mets blow a seven game lead with 17 to go!

The Mets schedule is filled with teams they're chasing. Other than this weekend's series in Minnesota, the Mets have one series against the Diamondbacks and Reds and two series against the Marlins and Phillies. The Phillies and Reds are in a postseason spot, the Marlins are 0.5 back, and Arizona is one game back. The Mets would need a miracle run, but them facing teams they'd be chasing hypothetically helps a ton.

I absolutely have a problem with the manager admitting defeat when the Mets, despite it being a long shot, are still technically in the hunt, especially when he's talking about playing the best guys he has available to him. Instead of focusing on the other teams, why not focus on your own team actually making the unlikely run to the playoffs?
