The biggest talking point surrounding the New York Mets on Tuesday was the attendance the night before. Brought to social media by Deesha Thosar, the image of vacant seats at Citi Field in late September while the team does battle for a playoff spot was what had many fans discussing the merit of attending games.
Let’s start with some obvious points. A September Monday night doesn’t fit into the schedule of any kid who lives any distance away from Citi Field. This eliminates a large demographic. Plus, it’s the Washington Nationals. They aren’t a draw. Fans of theirs aren’t even going to trek up to New York for this one considering where they are in the standings.
When the Mets play the Philadelphia Phillies this weekend, we should see a huge boost, but that’s for a whole lot of reasons. Phillies fans will travel, hoping to see their team clinch the NL East. It’s also the weekend where we’re all willing to stay up a little later at night and battle a commute home after the game. We can also include desperate fans willing to do anything to avoid being forced to watch the upcoming onslaught of national broadcasts.
Whatever your reason for not showing up on Monday, there’s no shame.
Why aren't Mets fans filling Citi Field?
Is it something as simple as the day of the week? Do fans not believe? Are the prices too outrageous? Whatever you cite as your reason for staying home, everyone has an opinion.
Included is Howie Rose who commented on how things were different in the days of Shea Stadium.
This is truly the crux of why Mets fans aren’t losing sleep to attend a weekday game. Things have changed. When Shea Stadium was around, we weren’t all locked onto our phones and the internet 24/7. Netflix was still mailing DVDs. A day could be built around spending a night at a baseball game.
In simpler times, pre-technological advancement, all of us would be a little more daring to attend a Monday night baseball game. Once you get to a certain age, have a family, and responsibilities, there is a different kind of joy going to bed right after watching from home. You can support your team without being there in person. No fan should ever be shamed if they choose not to attend for any reason at all.
Kudos, indeed, to the Mets fans who do continue to show up to Citi Field to cheer on the team. Those who don’t? I hope you enjoy the broadcast, a good night’s rest, and the settling feeling of knowing you didn’t just spend two day’s gross income to bring your family to the ballpark. Attending a baseball game isn’t the same party as it used to be as Roger McDowell reminisced about.
Have we all just gotten old, jaded, or lazy? I've been all three for a while. What's my excuse?
Dylan Sandas did a good job summing up what has changed and why there are so many empty seats. It comes down to having other more convenience options and what a great idea about changing ticket prices in a pennant race.