Is this real life: NY Mets spring training hat sold out

ByReggie Wade|
New York Mets Workout
New York Mets Workout | Rich Storry/GettyImages

If you need proof that New York Mets fans are fired up for the 2025 season, look no further than the impossible-to-find spring training hat.

I was reminded of this over the weekend while hanging out with my Yankees fan cousin. “You're excited about the Mets this year,” he said with a wry smile. After years of being browbeaten by my own franchise, I had to think about it for a split second. Old habits do die hard. Then I thought about the Mets getting the biggest free agent on the planet, and I realized—yes! Yes, I was excited about the upcoming Mets season, and my fellow Mets brothers and sisters are too. Some might say, “Reggie, how do you know that Mets fever is sweeping the city? It could just be you because, after all, you have nothing better to do with your time.” And while that may be true, I point you to Exhibit A.

The Proof Is in the Pudding

Every year, MLB introduces their new spring training merchandise. This is the usual cash grab—like fans really need another shirt, jersey, jacket, or hat—but we actually do, so I’m grateful that MLB does this. To be honest, I’m not usually a fan of the Mets’ spring training regalia. However, this year, the Mets outdid themselves. The team introduced the best spring training hat in the entire league. It’s an orange beauty with a blue bill and features our beloved Mr. Met on the front, donning shades—you know, because the Mets’ future is that bright. The boldness of the hat was a definite flex on the part of an organization that is feeling itself right now. The Mets seldom have swagger, so I was all for this. But unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough on the draw.

The Hunt Is On

I foolishly decided to wait a bit to pull the trigger and figured I could just pick one up at my local Lids. When I arrived, I was stunned. They didn’t have it. I asked the store manager, and she told me they strangely hadn’t received a shipment and that every Mets fan was coming in asking about it. I thought nothing of the mild inconvenience and just resigned myself to purchasing the hat online. It was when I got home that I made a shocking discovery: It was sold out—and not just sold out, like sold out, sold out! I went to the Mets team shop, and despite having a picture advertising it, when you clicked, it wasn’t there. Strike one. I went on Fanatics, and it wasn’t there either. Strike two.

Now I was down 0-2 in the count, and I couldn’t hit the breaking ball. It was time to choke up, shorten my swing, and try to protect the plate. I decided to go directly to the source—the tried-and-true manufacturer, New Era—and … they didn’t have it either. I had officially struck out on the coolest hat the Mets have produced in years.

Victory at Last

At this point, it wasn’t just about the hat—it was about the principle. I had to get my hands on one—or, more accurately, on my head. I was forced to go to the secondary market. I found myself on eBay—yes, and I’m not proud of it. I found it, and it was going for 98 bucks! I am some Mr. Met merch, but I’m not paying $98 for a hat when I can get an omelet for that same price. Finally, the good Lord saw it fit to shine His grace on me, and I found the hat from a third-party site for a reasonable price. They had the fitted version and only two left in stock—and thankfully, one was exactly my size. I pulled the trigger, and it should be coming this week. For all I know, the site is a scam and the hat is fake, but if it looks anything like the real deal, I’ll wear it. Even if it doesn’t, I paid for it, so I’m gonna wear it. Here’s hoping!

The moral of this story is this: Is this real life? Mets stuff usually never sells out. That’s reserved for the Yankees or the Dodgers—but not the Mets. But if our boys play up to their potential, it might be something we Mets fans have to get used to. If this hat frenzy is a sign of things to come, Mets fans better get their wallets ready. Let’s just hope the team sells out wins, not just hats, this season. And I, for one, am psyched!
