In the spirit of the holiday season, we uncover the ultimate wish list that all New York Mets fans wish to have under their Christmas tree.
It has been an unprecedented year to be a New York Mets fan, to say the least. From a 60-game shortened season to now having a new billionaire owner, it sure has been a roller coaster of emotions in 2020 for all fans of the ball club. With the organization now having a new billionaire owner in Steve Cohen, who many may dub as Santa Claus in Queens this year especially with the similar name abbreviation of SC, many fans had already begun filling out their Christmas wish lists for the Mets earlier than normal this year.
What makes the Holiday season different this year for Mets fans, is the simple fact that we now have an engaging owner who loves to hear what the fans have to say, and he already seems to be steering the organization in the right direction after years of futility under the Wilpons ownership. You could almost call it a Christmas miracle all in itself that the Wilpons are gone, but with the Wilpons now on the outs, all of our Christmas lists have now changed dramatically.
On every Mets fan’s Christmas list you can imagine there are multiple big gift items that they hope to see in 2021, but we also can’t forget that there are some smaller gifts as well as fun stocking stuffers that can complement those bigger gift ideas underneath the Christmas tree. In the spirit of Christmas, I thought it’d be fun to explore all of those potential gifts that Mets fans are hoping to unwrap that are on their wish list this year.
Cue the Christmas music, grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa, and find a comfortable seat underneath the Christmas tree as we explore the ultimate Mets fan’s Christmas wish list together.