No More Words and Empty Promises
If a New York team can’t even entertain the thought of going after the top players in the game, then something is wrong. If the Mets are still hurting from the Madoff Scandal, then they shouldn’t own a team. If that is truly the case and MLB hasn’t forced the Wilpons to sell, as they did with Frank McCourt and the Los Angeles Dodgers, then that is a disgrace.
Met fans are an impassioned bunch, and they have shown they will come out in droves to support a good product on the field. The Wilpons don’t deserve their fans. The fans deserve better. The city of New York deserves better.
No Mets fan should accept not going after Harper. No Met fan should accept the talk of financial parameters when they’re miles away from the luxury tax threshold. No Met fan should be content with “This puts us in the discussion for a Wild Card berth” talk.
All in means that you do everything in your power to win and that you’re putting out a team people think could win a World Series. It does not mean “If a few lucky breaks go our way.”
It’s really very simple, right now. Either, the Wilpons need to show the fans that they are committed to winning, or they need to get out of this game, or at least get out of this market.
Let them buy the Tampa Bay Rays or Oakland Athletics. Teams that are used to running things like a small-market club. If the Wilpons can’t run the Mets like a big-market team, due to financial concerns, then they must sell or be forced to sell, since the Wilpons will only go kicking and screaming.
But no Mets fan should be content with the moves the Mets do, if they aren’t going ‘All in’, for real. ‘All in’ means getting the best. The Wilpons can’t have it both ways any longer.
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